Pole Inspection Drills

2023-11-06 15:58:15 DianjiangHK 11


Quickly Inspect Poles & Collect Precise Data

Capture non-subjective results of the utility pole below ground in just a few minutes. For the past ten years, the utility pole inspection drill paired with our WoodInspector pole inspection software combine to provide a deeper and more thorough method to inspecting power poles. Join industry leaders and add a new level of service by providing strong, supportive material illustrating the condition of the internal state of the wood. In just a few minutes, the resistance drill captures accurate and precise results to increase safety and budgetary forecasting.Easily inspect the pole, know the result in the field, export to GIS or third party mapping software, and better evaulate the safety conditions and life expectancy of the pole.

Why the IML Resistance Drills?

The IML inspection drill is an efficient tool in helping determine the internal condition of the pole both above and below ground. The inspector targets the region at the base of the pole angling the drill at a 30 degree angle to drill into the area just below ground level. Talk with us today to set up a Zoom or on-site demo and learn more about how other customers are using this technology and customizing the software to meet their unique needs. If you are currently utilizing the traditional bore and probe method, take a minute to view Spida Calc’s chart below of a recent study calculating the strength lost when using the various boring options (full study available on request). You will find that the % of strength lost from the RESI inspection drill bits (1/10”) is insignificant in comparison.


WoodInspector Results: In-the-field pole inspection

Digital Capture w/ Automatic Inspection Analysis

Each and every drilling is recorded inside the inspection drill, providing a remaining strength and overall result at each pole. The operator will know the condition of the pole at the completion of inspection. Drilling at an average of 40 inches per minute, this method takes approximately three to five minutes per pole – depending on the amount of drillings performed.

Take a look at a detailed example in PDF and Excel. Click here to receive a detailed example for your consideration


GIS or Third-Party Software Integration? No problem!

Use the custom Excel sheet to save and export the results from each drilling or summary from each pole
