Weining Caohai, a lake at the headwaters of the Luoze River, upstream of the Hengjiang River, a trib...
2024/09/23 DianjiangHK 6
Hainan tropical rain forest is a well-preserved continental island tropical rain forest with concent...
2024/05/23 DianjiangHK 14
Valentin Juhasz is an electronics engineer that has worked in the building conservation sector for o...
2023/08/22 DianjiangHK 21
Sustainable fisheries and aquaculture make an important contribution to Hong Kong by way of maintain...
2023/05/29 DianjiangHK 37
How Painted Sky Ranch Cares for Horses Using Vantage Vue & WeatherLink ConsoleAt Painted Sky Ran...
2023/04/12 DianjiangHK 15
Ensuring public safety with real-time flood detection & road weather conditionsOVERVIEWFlash floodin...
2023/04/11 DianjiangHK 28
Delta‐T Devices products used:SM150T Soil Moisture and Temp Sensor, GP2 Data Logger, DeltaLINK‐Cloud...
2023/03/23 DianjiangHK 24
ProblemDue to climate change, extreme heat is now the leading cause of weather-related deaths. And n...
2023/03/13 DianjiangHK 19
Robert Booty of San Jose's Arborist OnSite inspected this particular tree which, like most Oaks, was...
2018/09/01 DianjiangHK 47
2022/09/29 DianjiangHK 9
Ecomesure provided thousands of sensors and related data services to measure air quality in every Bo...
2022/08/25 DianjiangHK 20
2022年6月,點將科技工程師在北京市懷柔區燕山地球關鍵帶國家野外科學觀測研究站開展為期5天的當地生態觀測站的儀器設備的安裝調試和培訓,進展十分順利,監測結果得到用戶的認可。 本...
2022/08/16 DianjiangHK 3
ProblemHistorically, the effects of overharvesting, pollution, and urbanization led to the severe de...
2022/08/02 DianjiangHK 25
點將科技名木古樹保護團隊借助專業的Picus 3彈性波樹木斷層畫像診斷儀,分別對桂林市陽朔、雁山區雁山園的兩棵古樟樹,柳州市馬鹿山奇石博覽園內一棵古喙核桃進行了生長狀況的檢測調查,檢測結...
2022/06/20 DianjiangHK 15
2022/06/13 DianjiangHK 12
樹木是本地的珍貴自然資源和文化見證,是我們天然的財產。為能夠有效將它們保存,政府特別編製了古樹名木冊。 自2004年起,香港政府在樓宇密集區的未批租政府土地,或鄉村地區的旅遊勝地...
2022/06/06 DianjiangHK 46
2022/03/17 DianjiangHK 12
2021年10月,點將科技技術團隊在雲南省景谷縣黃果營基地,水位測量系統、標準氣象觀測站的安裝調試。 &...
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2021/11/23 DianjiangHK 56
2021/11/23 DianjiangHK 4