AWS Automatic Weather Station

The new AWS Automatic Weather Station from ICT International provides flexibility, accuracy and value for money.

  • Product Name:AWS Automatic Weather Station
  • Model:AWS
  • Maunufactor:ICT
  • Country:AU

The new AWS Automatic Weather Station from ICT International provides flexibility, accuracy and value for money.

The AWS is supplied with a preconfigured set of sensors for Air Temperature, Relative Humidity, Barometric Pressure, Wind Speed, Wind Direction, Rainfall, and Solar Radiation or PAR. 

The AWS automatically calculates Vapour Pressure Deficit (VPD) and Penman-Monteith Evapotranspiration.

The Weather Station is supplied with a cross arm and basic mounts so it can be attached to any type of customised mast. Alternatively a standard pole mast can be purchased with the system.