Q-teach Packages for Biology Laboratory Education

2022-06-27 17:21:52 DianjiangHK 27


Qubit Systems offers a range of Q-teach packages for teaching animal, insect, plant, algal and aquatic biology.  These educational packages allow for studies of photosynthesis, respiration and transpiration in plants, and respirometry in insects, small animals and aquatic species. Q-teach Packages come complete with gas analyzers, sensors, a data interface, software and all the accessories, including sample chambers, required for a successful hands on laboratory educational experience.  Each package contains operational manual and experimental manual with detailed descriptions of suggested experiments.  Q-teach packages are easy to set up, have low maintenance, and are economically priced for outfitting the teaching laboratory with multiple systems.


LoggerPro software included with the Q-teach packages provides graphical display of all data, as well as meters showing instantaneous numerical data. LoggerPro has numerous built-in mathematical functions for easy and intuitive data processing. Data are saved in spreadsheet format and may be exported to Excel or other spreadsheet programs, if desired. LoggerPro comes with a site license for the purchaser’s department.


Sample data with 4 superworms

Q-teach packages are extremely flexible.  Other sensors and analysers may be added to the package if required, such as the Q-teach O2 analyser . Qubit can also provide a range of additional sample chambers for insects, small animals and aquatic organisms. 


Sample Q-teach Experiments:

  •  Measurements and characterization of photosynthesis at different light intensities

  • Measurements of CO2 dependence of photosynthesis

  • Physiological analyses of sun versus shade plants; C3 versus C4 plants etc.

  •  Measurements of metabolic rate in different animals

  • The effects of temperature on metabolic rate of ectotherms

  •  The effects of temperature and substrate availability on metabolic rate of yeast.

  • Head space analysis of chambers with aquatic animals and plants.


Other Low-Cost Equipment for Teaching and research

Metabolic O2 consumption is measured by intermittent flow respirometry in which measurements are made sequentially without removing the fish from the chamber. The chamber is flushed with fresh water between measurements. Dissolved Oxygen data corrected for salinity, temperature and pressure are displayed in software and used to calculate VO2.  All of the components of the Q-Box AQUA Package are housed in a rugged weather proof case for easy transport and storage. 



Sample gold fish data

Mini-AQUA for Small Samples

For aquatic respirometry measurements of small fish and insect larvae (~1g) Qubit offers the Mini-Aqua package, a modified version of the Q-Box AQUA with small aquatic respirometer chamber (9mL) and components for smaller total volume system. The mini-AQUA package also features a micro-chamber (1.23mL in volume) with DO probe inserted in the top portion for measurements of VO2 of very small samples such as larvae and juvenile fish less than 0.5g. The micro-chamber is used in the intermittent stop flow mode resulting in higher sensitivity and resolution of the system.


Rahi L et al. (2020) Impact of salinity changes on growth, oxygen consumption and expression pattern of selected candidate genes in the orange mud crab (Scylla Olivacea). Aquaculture 

Lucey NM, Collins M, Collin R (2020) Oxygen-mediated plasticity confers hypoxia tolerance in a corallivorous polychaete. Ecology and Evolution 10: 1145-1157 


The OX1LP Dissolved Oxygen Packages incorporate a polarographic dissolved oxygen electrode to measure photosynthesis and/or respiration in the aqueous phase, using suspensions of plant cells, animals, organelles (chloroplasts and mitochondria), invertebrates or algae. These packages may also be used to monitor chemical and biochemical reactions that either produce or consume O2 in the aqueous phase. Interchangeable water-jacketed cuvettes with volumes of 1.0, 2.5, 4.0, 6.0, 30 and 50 mL may be supplied with the system.  Each uses the same O2 electrode base and stirrer.


Koblizek M et al (2020) Utilization of Light energy in phototropic Gemmatimonadetes. Journal of Photochemistyr and Photobiology B 213: 112085 

Nair P, Huertas M, Nowlin WH (2020) Metabolic responses to long-term food deprivation in subterranean and surface amphipods. Subterranean Biology 33: 1-15